K-12 Social Studies Gamification Conference
Engaging emergent multilingual teacher leaders
Clermont, Florida | March 15 - 20, 2024
This conference experience provided participants with the knowledge and skills needed to gamify their social studies classroom curricula! Teachers attend sessions on pedagogy, social studies content, and gamification methods to support English learners. Hands-on sessions engaged attendees on an integrated approach to supporting language and content learning through gaming elements to increase interest, lower affective filter, and provide choice in learning content through language. There were also workshops, demonstrations, and work sessions to gamify a social studies lesson to use in the classroom for English/multilingual learners.
Conference Highlights
Learn how to support multilingual learners
& English learners -
Belong to the GeoCivics Educator Network
Deepen pedagogical and content knowledge
Learn how to 'gamify' a social studies lesson
Identify effective strategies to support emergent multilingual learners in the social studies classroom
Gain valuble social studies resources
Explore and practice educational tech
Earn professional development hours for attending